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FastFound : Australian University Directory
- Dislike education agents? Many only refer unis that pay them $1-2K commissions. You won’t get to see all courses. Consider other options. Faculties by state location: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, SA, VIC, QLD, WA, NSW
- Concerned about top rank, accreditation rating, teaching quality of a uni? What is a good course?
Which uni offers what course to study and where ?
- Perhaps study for Bachelor of Engineering or Arts, or maybe something unrelated to tech like Media but unsure where to start?
- Grades not good enough? Low TER, OP, UAI or ATAR score – so what? Why not consider other colleges offering same courses at lower cutoff entrance/ admission requirement ?
- Consider other academic disciplines with easier admission cutoffs ?
- Can’t find useful info from admissions center websites QTAC, UAC, VTAC ?
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Choose a subject to study
- How is Mechanical engineering different from Mechatronics ?
- What do Biomedical engineers do? What’s the diff between Computing from Software Engineering or Bachelor Computer Science? What’s the difference between web design and software development & programming ? What about popular engineering disciplines – Renewable energy, Solar and Photovoltaics?
- Plan to develop new medications or techniques to treat diseases? Consider biotechnology, biochemistry or Genetic engineering. How about cutting edge technology like NanoScale devices or Robotics? Perhaps study by Distance Learning ? Search for Open universities offering online distance learning or e-learning courses.
- Which Design focussed Bachelor degree may I pick from if I’m visually creative ? Architecture? Web, Graphic arts, fashion design, fine arts or even Town planning? Worried about green house gases, global warming, rising sea levels or declining amazon rain forest? Perhaps consider Bachelor of Environmental science, forestry and ecological conservation studies. Wish to help improve the quality of life of humans or animal welfare? Try medicine, dentistry, nursing, dental & oral health courses or veterinary science. Fancy using Math to make money ? How about Actuarial science ?
- Why not take advantage of the natural wealth of the land? Try Geology, Geological sciences and
Mines engineering, Wine making and Agricultural sciences. Like to be part of the growing significance of Australia as major financial services center in the Asia Pacific region ? Perhaps Accounting, Economics, finance or MBA studies suits your career aspirations. Wish to work in something more traditional and recession proof? Maybe consider a career as a nurse/ nursing, teaching / teacher / education. - Which unis offer bursaries and scholarships for international students or scholarship for PhD or Master research based courses or double degree programs ?
- Which graduates earn higher salaries ?
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